

We’ve partnered with our local friends at BookMarx Bookstore who have put together a bespoke collection of books on homesteading, including many of our recommended books below. You can shop the collection in their downtown Steubenville store or online here.


The Independent Farmstead, Shawn & Beth Dougherty*

The Unsettling of America, Wendell Berry

You Can Farm, Joel Salatin

A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

The Church and the Land, Vincent McNabb, O.P.

Flee to the Fields, Founding Fathers of the CLM

The Winter Harvest Handbook, Eliot Coleman

Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition, Marilyn Shannon

Keeping A Family Cow, Joann Grohman

Real Food; Real Food for Mother and Baby, Nina Planck

Life from Our Land, Marcus Grodi*

*Conference Speakers


Shawn & Beth Dougherty and John Moody Discuss Homesteading in the Age of Inflation and the Coming Hard Times with Amy Fewell of Homesteaders of America


Shawn & Beth Dougherty on Reviving the Independent Farmstead

Learn practical yet extraordinary information on how to create your own independent farmstead from husband and wife farmers and authors, Shawn and Beth Dougherty. They offer in depth information on their 30 years of experience growing soil, biodiversity and nutrient dense food with grass-fed animals and intensive pasture management. They share their inspiring journey to help new homesteaders make better decisions and fulfill their farming dreams while enjoying a happy family life. For complete details, read their in depth book, "The Independent Farmstead." (Living Web Farms description)